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Concert Hall 3

6th Edition

The Leading Online Music Competition

Strings  |  Piano  |  Voice  |  Winds

弦樂  |  鋼琴  |  聲樂  |  管樂

ASTA Music Talents is an online competition open for young musicians of all nationalities. The primary goal of the competition is to support young performers on their music journey, to promote music education and nourish promising musicians.

ASTA Music Talents 為各國青年音樂家提供一個 online 比賽及表演的機會,促進音樂教育和交流。

The Competition 比賽項目

The Competition

Strings  |  Piano  | Voice  |  Winds

弦樂  |  鋼琴  |  聲樂  |  管樂

Grade 1   under 3 minutes  一級組    不超過3分鐘

Grade 2   under 3 minutes   二級組     不超過3分鐘

Grade 3   under 4 minutes   三級組     不超過4分鐘

Grade 4   under 4 minutes   四級組     不超過4分鐘

Grade 5   under 6 minutes   五級組     不超過6分鐘

Grade 6   under 6 minutes  六級組     不超過6分鐘

Grade 7   under 8 minutes 七級組     不超過8分鐘

Grade 8   under 8 minutes 八級組     不超過8分鐘

Diploma    under 10 minutes   演奏級組   不超過10分鐘

No age limit 不設年齡限制


Asian String Teachers Association

Prizes 獎項

Application and Competition Rules

Online Application

1) Applications can be made online and candidates need to upload high quality video recordings of the application repertoire,Passport/ID copy and proof of payment with a non-refundable application fee of :

Grade 1  $300

Grade 2  $300

Grade 3  $330

Grade 4  $330

Grade 5  $370

Grade 6  $370

Grade 7  $410

Grade 8  $410

Diploma   $470

Any late payment of the fee will make the application void. All bank fees and charges on transfers from aboard will be paid by the participants.

2) The Deadline is 30 Nov 2024. All documents must be received by this date and late applications will not be accepted. 


3) Documents Required

  (Please email us the followings to

 1. A Copy of candidate's passport

 2. Record of Payment*


*Bank Account Information for Application Fee  ( All Bank charges and fees will be paid by applicants )

Bank Name           HSBC Hong Kong

Branch                  Hong Kong Office

Bank Address        1 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

Bank Code           004

Swift                    HSBCHKHHHKH        

Account Name      Aristo Music Limited

Account Number   124 526401 838

4) Video Recordings submitted with the Application 

must be "public". (YouTube/Youku channel settings on “public”).

*The application must contain a video performance of one musical  

work within the time limit accordingly.

5) The organization will accept only complete applications.​


6)  The Jury reserves the right to withhold any prize should the 

required standard not be achieved.

7) By submitting the application form, the candidates and the parents agree with the rules and regulations.​​

8) By submitting the application for the competition, the candidates and the parents consent to free public display of their video and audio recordings, photographs and achievements.

9)  Details may be subject to change​​​​      ​​​

Rules and Regulations


1)  參賽者不限國籍,但必須出示由政府部門簽發之身份証明文件正本以確認其年齡,例如身份證或護照。參賽者可以在網上報名,附上有效Youtube/Youku 視頻網址,並電郵相關護照或身份證影副本及繳費證 。

2)  截止日期為2024年11月30日。逾期報名或繳費,不論任何原因,一律不獲接納。

一級組     $300

二級組     $300

三級組     $330

四級組     $330

五級組     $370

六級組     $370

七級組     $410

八級組      $410  

演奏級組   $470

3)  請電郵以下文件到




 繳交報名費 (*所有銀行轉賬費用將由參賽者支付)

銀行名稱           香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 

分行                  香港辦事處

帳戶號碼           124 526401 838

帳戶名稱            Aristo Music Limited

銀行代碼            HSBCHKHHHKH

銀行地址            香港中環皇后大道中1 號

4)參賽者可選擇YouTube/ Youku上載視頻。上載時,請選擇片段為" 公開" 。參賽者於指定時間內演奏一首作品 。








Online Application 網上報名

Thanks for submitting!

Asian String Teachers Association

Application 報名
Winners' Concert 優勝者音樂會

ASTA Music Talents Online Music Competition


The competition has been designed so that musicians can show all their potential through video recordings.

Winners will be given a Gold, Silver or Bronze award according to their performance.

All the participants will receive a certificate for participation at Music Talents 2024.

Teachers will also receive certificates for their participating students in the competition.

Winners' Concert

Selected winners will be invited to perform in winners' concert. 


Special Prizes 

Performance Award

Selected winners of each class will be invited to take part in the Grand Final of Italy-Hong Kong International Music Competition 2025.

ASTA Music Talents 視頻音樂比賽



參賽者可於2024年10月1日至2024年11月30日期間 , 選擇 YouTube/ Youku 上載視頻參賽。




所有參賽者可獲加許證書乙張, 而參賽者的指導老師亦可獲頒發感謝狀乙張。






優勝者有機會獲邀參加2025年 Italy-Hong Kong International Music Competition 的總決賽。

Contact 查詢

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Thanks for submitting!

Concert Hall 1

©2019 by ASTA Music Talents.

Asian String Teachers' Association

Asian String Teachers Association

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